May 7, 2015

Maria had a Little Llama = Maria tenia una Llamita


Maria had a Little Llama = Maria Tenia una Llamita by Angela Dominguez. Henry Holt & Company, 2013. ISBN 978-0-8050-9333-9

Reader's Annotation: Maria's little llama follows her everywhere, through to countryside and into the town, but what will happen when he follows her to school?

Summary: Dominguez has created a Peruvian take on the familiar nursery rhyme, Mary had a Little Lamb, with text in both English and Spanish. "Maria has a little llama, whose fleece was white as snow". Maria and her llama are inseparable, and explore the landscape and Incan landmarks around their home together. One day, the llama follows Maria into town and right into the village school!

Maria's fellow students are delighted to have a llama in class, but of course, the rules won't allow it. Maria's teacher kindly sends the llama outside to wait. And what a joyful reunion they have when the school day is over! 

Critical Evaluation: This charming re-imagining of a classic rhyme offers a window into the world of village children in this region of Peru. With bilingual text, and illustrations featuring regional dress and the village band performing at the end of the rhyme, Dominguez has successfully incorporated many cultural details into this simple story. 

The tale highlights the loving bond that develops between children and their pets in every country around the globe, no matter the continent or type of animal. The roughly shaded illustrations include a multitude of textures and patterns, well-suited for depicting the mountainous landscape surrounding Maria's home and village. 

While the book ends rather abruptly, it is true to the original children's rhyme, and the sweetness of Maria's musical celebration with her llama helps to make up for the sudden finish. Although geared to a younger audience, the inclusion of a map featuring several Incan ruins, and the depiction of Peruvian musicians and instruments could spark an interest for further research in slightly older readers.

Age or Interest Level: Ages 2 to 5

Awards: 2014 Pura Belpré Award, Honor, Illustrator; ALA 2014 Notable Children’s Books, Younger Readers

Why Included? It is wonderful to imagine a place so different from my own small village. Where we have dogs and cats, Maria's village has llamas. We have the sea and Maria has mountains. Our oldest buildings date to the 1600's, while Maria is surrounded by ancient Incan monuments. Fascinating!